People ask me all the time... "What should I wear?" So I decided to start blogging on Fridays about just that. These are only suggestions. There is some good advice written in. If you choose these outfits things could obviously be substituted. Have fun! Look for another Fashion Friday next.... FRIDAY. :) I will try to keep outfit pieces together from one store to make it easier on those who want the whole thing. :)
I like to play with Photoshop. I love learning all that is in that program. In playing with this photo for a friend (she took the picture) I learned a few new tricks. It has a Twilight feel to it and she is a big Twilight fan...
I love everything about them. I love the way they smell. I love their size. I love their cries. I love their fuzzy little heads. everything. I was playing with some black and white with this one...
This flower is my little guy's pride and joy right now. He planted it as a seed and it is now almost as tall as the fence. He called me to go outside and see it because it nearly bloomed over night.
She made it into the Royal Court! She is so excited. We were so busy last week with final prep stuff for the pageant and her bday party. Not only did she make it onto the Royal Court but she also received the Director's Award.
today she had her interview for the Pageant. we won't know her scores until later on. i took her on a SUPER mini shoot afterwords. This one is my favorite.... and here she is with the Pageant Coordinator... thank you for your dedication and hard work!